Wastewater Technical Consultation
Wastewater Technical Consultation Wastewater Treatment Solutions Kuala Lumpur (KL), Malaysia, Selangor, Shah Alam Supplier, Manufacturer, Installation, Supply | Global Tankcom Sdn Bhd
Global Tankcom provide full study on detailed wastewater constituents and suitable treatment theoretically. A conceptual study will be conducted to understand the overall concept design of the wastewater system.  We also provide face-to-face consultation for the new or upgrading wastewater plant.

For the existing wastewater, Global Tankcom supports in optimizing the chemical consumption, recycling the treated effluent, and cost saving ideas.

Chemicals are a major operational cost (OPEX) in most of the wastewater treatment plants. Chemical optimization is vital for the sustainability of the wastewater plant in the long run. 

One of our main cores is optimizing chemical consumption by using the most suitable and specific chemicals and being cost-efficient in overall treatment. 

Jar testing is a crucial technique for optimizing plant performance by focusing on treatment processes such as mixing, contact time, flocculation, settlement rate /time, precipitation, and chemical dosing. This method is used to control mixing rate, contact time, and settlement period, mimicking on-site processes like primary settlement of crude sewage.
To minimize operating costs, the level of treatment achievable and the quantity of chemical required must be investigated before installation. Response curves can be created by analyzing the settled sludge and supernatant liquid fraction, illustrating the effects of varying operation parameters on the settlement process.
Global Tankcom conducts independent jar testing studies to mimic chemical dosing of on-site primary, secondary, and tertiary settlement processes, identifying the most effective treatment, quantity/concentration of chemical, and any resulting effects, such as reduced alkalinity.


Global Tankcom also helps and assists in handling DOE-related documents such as:

1. Industrial Effluent Characteristics Study (IECS).
IECS will be carried out to determine the system capacity, necessity of an upgrading the system, design, and modelling of a new system. The procedure to conduct the IECS is collection of samples every hour for 8 hours continuously for a minimum duration of 3 days. During the sample collection, sample’s flowrate, pH and temperature need to be recorded. At the end of the 8 hours, mix the samples into a composite sample, then sent to a qualified lab for testing. This document required to be submitted to Department of Environment (DOE) in Written Notification submission as evidence for building a WWT plant.

2. DOE Written Notification or Second Schedule.
Written Notification most crucial document that required to be submitted to Director General of DOE within 30 days before commencing any work or construction or IETS upgrading that would result in a new source of effluent discharge or a change in the quality and quantity of the effluent from an existing source. Any addition or abandonment of a unit process or unit operation requires written notification. Global Tankcom provide services in preparing the complete written notification submission as specified in the Second Schedule.  

3. Written Declaration or Third Schedule.
The submission of third Schedule is to declare the WWTP has been designed and constructed according to the specification of the Guidance Document on the Design and Operation of IETS. As built drawings are required for this submission with the endorsement of relevant Professional Engineers (PE).

Global Tankcom provides first-class Wastewater Facilities Operations & Maintenances support.

Through our team of highly qualified and specialized operators, technicians, and engineers, Global Tankcom provides Operations & Maintenance (O&M) services for wastewater treatment, storage, pumping, and distribution equipment. Plant startup and commissioning, plant operation and maintenance, technical training, operations support, execution of minor capital projects, facility management, plant engineering, and asset optimization are among our core services.

Wastewater Tank Storage : Operation and Maintenance 

Regularly inspect the tank for corrosion, leaks, and damage, using both visual and non-destructive testing.
Clean the tank to prevent debris and contaminants from affecting the contained materials.
Use appropriate coatings and paint to protect the tank's exterior from corrosion and environmental factors.
Ensure the water level indicators, sensors, and gauges are accurate and calibrated.
Before returning the tank to operation after maintenance, disinfect it and establish microbiological safety with samples taken at intervals.
Each item of monitored and examined data needs to be appropriately recorded and stored for references.

Wastewater Centrifugal Pumps : Operation and Maintenance 

Theoretically, every pump would have the appropriate size to operate continuously at maximum efficiency. This is not realistic in an actual industrial facility since processes are not static in the strict sense.
Production rates and formulations change, but the hundreds or thousands of pumps that support the process   typically do not.
A comprehensive maintenance program that monitors both the operating circumstances of the   pump and essential machine health data is a solution to ensuring dependable pump operations.

A pump maintenance schedule ought to incorporate the following four categories.
Analyzing pump systems and Monitoring pump performance
Bearing Temperature
Monitoring Vibration
Visual Examinations 

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