Wastewater Advanced Technologies
Wastewater Advanced Technologies Wastewater Treatment Solutions Kuala Lumpur (KL), Malaysia, Selangor, Shah Alam Supplier, Manufacturer, Installation, Supply | Global Tankcom Sdn Bhd

Global Tankcom also specialized in engineering designing and building advanced technology for wastewater treatments such as wastewater reclamation and Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) etc. These two treatments are somehow related in order to achieve client's requirement. 

1. Wastewater Reclamation

Wastewater reclamation, also known as water recycling, takes treated wastewater and puts it through additional processes to make it suitable for non-potable purposes. The breakdown of the general processes as below:

It focuses on removing any remaining solids or debris that could damage equipment in later stages.Techniques like screening, filtration, and grit removal are being used in this step.

Biological Processes:
These can involve additional stages using microorganisms to break down even more organic matter. Processes such as aerobic and anaerobic using activated sludge treatment, Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR), MBBR etc.

Membrane Filtration:
Reverse Osmosis is the most common method used in reclamation treatment as the system can be integrated in to produce the required product water quality. The reverse Osmosis system (RO) uses fine membranes to remove dissolved salts, minerals, and other contaminants. More than 90% of wastewater can be reclaimed via Reverse System with appropriate pretreatment and post treatment in the reclaim plant.

Chemical Oxidation:
Ozonation processes can further reduce organic matter and contaminants when the organic content is excedeed the limit for further advanced treatment.

Activated Carbon Adsorption:
This involves passing the water through a bed of activated carbon which absorbs impurities. Activated carbon utilized to adsorb mostly organic molecules as well as some inorganic substances with higher molecular weights, such as iodine and mercury. Adsorption characteristics are frequently improved by additional chemical treatment like coagulation-flocculation.

Similar to regular wastewater treatment, disinfection is crucial to ensure the reclaimed water is safe for its intended use. Chlorine or ultraviolet light are common disinfection methods.

Once treated, the reclaimed water is stored and then distributed through a separate piping system to various destinations depending on its quality.
Reclaimed water is generally not suitable for drinking but can be used for a variety of purposes like:

  • Toilet flushing
  • Landscape irrigation.
  • Industrial cooling systems
  • Vehicle washing

Overall, wastewater reclamation is a valuable process that helps conserve freshwater resources and reduce the amount of wastewater discharged into the environment.
Before any reclamation project, Global Tankcom runs a thorough assessment of potential environmental impacts. This helps identify and mitigate risks to ecosystems, water quality, and air quality. Global Tankcom advises client on the risks and the mitigation plans for long run sustainability also client’s revenue.



2. Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD)

Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) is a water treatment approach that goes beyond standard wastewater treatment. This can be achieved by combining various treatment technologies to progressively concentrate and purify the water while removing contaminants such as solid waste. Unlike conventional treatment where some treated water might still be discharged, Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) strives to recover and reuse almost all the wastewater.

In the Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) technique, a closed water cycle is used so that no water is discharged from a system if there is possibility of it being reused after appropriate treatment. 

Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) systems typically involve several stages:

  • Pre-treatment: This initial stage removes large solids and prepares the wastewater for further treatment.
  • Evaporation or Membrane Separation: These processes concentrate the wastewater, leaving a brine solution with high levels of dissolved solids. Techniques like reverse osmosis or thermal evaporation are common.
  • Crystallization or Solidification: The concentrated brine is further processed to remove the remaining water. This can involve crystallizing dissolved salts or using processes to solidify the brine into a manageable solid waste form. 

Benefits of ZLD:

  • Reduced Water Discharge: ZLD minimizes the amount of liquid waste released into the environment, protecting water sources from pollution.
  • Water Conservation: By recovering and reusing a significant portion of the wastewater, ZLD helps conserve freshwater resources.
  • Compliance with DOE Regulations: In regions with strict regulations on wastewater discharge, ZLD can ensure facilities meet DOE environmental standards. 

Applications of ZLD:
ZLD is particularly relevant for industries that generate large volumes 

of wastewater with high concentrations of contaminants. Some common applications include:

  • Semiconductor industries
  • Chemical and pharmaceutical industries
  • Oil and gas production.
  • Mining operations
ZLD is also gaining traction in areas facing water scarcity as a way to maximize water reuse and reduce reliance on freshwater sources.

Overall, ZLD is an advanced wastewater treatment approach that offers significant benefits for water conservation and environmental protection.
For long term implementation, Global Tankcom provides sustainability study for Zero Liquid Discharge, considering the high energy consumption and capital cost required for every unique wastewater.




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